Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Twas the Day after Christmas

Twas the Day after Christmas

Twas the Day after Christmas and all through the house
Lay tatters of paper and crumbs for the mouse
The stockings were strewn on the table with glee
The kitchen in shambles, seemed hopeless to me
But out from a bedroom came giggles and chatter
That brought back to mind it was well worth the matter
For Christmas had come and its joy was still ringing
In laughter and wonder and children still singing
So I settled myself on the couch and admired
All the wonderful blessings that somehow transpired
And all of these good things were gifts unto us
From Him who came lowly without any fuss
The greatest of blessings from whom blessings flow
Left heaven above and was born here below
The greatest of gifts and the greatest of friends
Keeps Christmas joy flowing even after it ends
So today, the day after, I’ll rest and enjoy
The peace of Lord Jesus, who came as a boy.